Assessment Types represents management of assessment types (checklists). Assessment types (checklists) are used in Project Machine Assessment.


Following diagram describes features available in machines.

Assessment Type features

  • Assessment Types List - display list of all relevant assessment types.

  • Add Assessment Type - creates new assessment type

  • Edit Assessment Type - updates existing assessment type

  • Duplicate Assessment Type - duplicates existing assessment type

  • Import Assessment Type - import assessment type

  • Add Checklist - creates new checklist

  • Edit Checklist - updates existing checklist

  • Copy & Paste Checklist - copies existing checklist

  • Reorder Checklists - reorders existing checklist

  • Add Section - creates new section

  • Edit Section - updates existing section

  • Copy & Paste Section - copies existing section

  • Reorder Sections - reorders existing section

  • Checkpoints List - display list of checkpoints in section

  • Add Checkpoint - creates new checkpoint

  • Edit Checkpoint - updates existing checkpoint

  • Reorder Checkpoints - reorders existing checkpoint

Assessment Types list

This is the main screen of assessment types functionality. It displays list of assessment types.

Assessment Types list

Assessment Types list displays relevant assessment type as tree. Top level are assessmen types, 2nd level are checklist and 3rd level are sections. By clicking on a section corresponding checkpoints are displayed on right side.

In assessment types tree, various context actions are available in dropdown menu on each row. Content of dropdown menu depends on row (i.e. assessment-type, checklist or section) and also on current state (e.g. if some row was already selected for copy).

Assessment Types Dropdown Menu

Add Assessment Type

This modal screen is used to add new assessment type.

Add Assessment Type

When checkbox Save and create another is checked, after pressing save, new assessment type is created and Add Assessment Type modal dialog will be left open in order to create another assessment type. This is usefull when adding multiple assessment types at the same time.

Edit Assessment Type

This modal screen is used to edit existing assessment-type.

Edit Assessment Type

Duplicate Assessment Type

Assessment Type can be duplicated. By duplicating of assessment type, all checklists, sections and checkpoints will be copied to new assessment type.

Process to duplicate assessment type:

  1. Choose Duplicate from dropdown menu on selected assessment type.

  2. Modal dialog will open where name of new assessment type can be defined.

  3. Clicking on Save a copy of assessment type with specified name will be created.

Import Assessment Type

This modal screen is used to create new assessment type by import from Excel file template.

Import Assessment Type

Download Excel file template for importing of assessment types.

Add Checklist

This modal screen is used to add new checklist.

Add Checklist

When checkbox Save and create another is checked, after pressing save, new checklist is created and Add Checklist modal dialog will be left open in order to create another checklist. This is usefull when adding multiple checklists at the same time.

Edit Checklist

This modal screen is used to edit existing checklist.

Edit Checklist

Copy & Paste Checklist

Checklist can be copied in order to duplicate it in current assessment type or to copy it to another assessment type. By copying of checklist, all section and checkpoints will be also copied.

Process to copy & paste checklist:

  1. Choose Copy from dropdown menu on selected checklist.

  2. Information about current checklist in clipboard will appear on screen bottom.

  3. Choose Paste Checklist from dropdown menu on destination assessment type.

Reorder Checklists

Checklists can be reordered (moved) within assessmen type or to another assessment type by simply dragging them and dropping on desired position.

Add Section

This modal screen is used to add new section.

Add Section

When checkbox Save and create another is checked, after pressing save, new section is created and Add Section modal dialog will be left open in order to create another section. This is usefull when adding multiple sections at the same time.

Edit Section

This modal screen is used to edit existing section.

Edit Section

Copy & Paste Section

Section can be copied in order to duplicate it in current checklist or to copy it to another checklist. By copying of section, all checkpoints will be also copied.

Process to copy & paste section:

  1. Choose Copy from dropdown menu on selected section.

  2. Information about current section in clipboard will appear on screen bottom.

  3. Choose Paste Section from dropdown menu on destination checklist.

Reorder Sections

Sections can be reordered (moved) within checklist or to another checklist by simply dragging them and dropping on desired position.

Checkpoints list

This screen displays list of checkpoints associated with selected section.

Checkpoints list

Following actions are available in checkpoints list screen:

  • Add Checkpoint - activated using top right button

  • Edit Checkpoint - activated by clicking on row

  • Reporder Checkpoints - activated using drag & drop on each row

Add Checkpoint

This modal screen is used to add new checkpoint.

Add Checkpoint

Edit Checkpoint

This modal screen is used to edit existing checkpoint.

Edit Checkpoint

Reorder Checkpoints

Checkpoints can be reordered (moved) within section or to another section by simply dragging them and dropping on desired position.

Access Rights


Provider Administrator

Customer Administrator

Provider Engineer

Customer Engineer

View Assessment Types

Own Assessment Types

Own Assessment Types

Own Assessment Types

Own Assessment Types

Manage Assessment Types





View Checklists





Manage Checklists





View Sections





Manage Sections





View Checkpoints





Manage Checkpoints



