Machines represents management of machines (assets).


Following diagram describes features available in machines.

Machines features

  • Machines List - display list of all relevant sites.

  • Add Machine - creates new machine

  • Edit Machine - updates existing machine

  • Duplicate Machine - duplicates existing machine

  • Manage Documents - machine documents management

Machines list

This is the main screen of machines functionality. It displays list of company's machines.

Machines list

Following actions are available in machines list screen:

  • Add Machine - activated using top right button

  • Edit Machine - activated by clicking on row

  • Duplicate Machine - activated from dropdown menu on each row

  • Manage Documents - activated from dropdown menu on each row

Add Machine

This modal screen is used to add new machine.

Add Machine

If you want to add several machines in one batch, the best way is to use the following excel file:

Machine Import Template.xlsx

This excel file can be uploaded via the “Import Machines” function on the upper right:

Import Machines

Edit Machine

This modal screen is used to edit existing site.

Edit Machine

Following actions are available:

  • Delete - will delete machine.

Duplicate Machine

Duplicate machine functionality is similar to Add Machine functionality. It creates new machine with pre-filled values from existing machine (except of Identification Number).

Machine Documents

This screen is used to manage machine documents.

Machine Documents

Following actions are available in documents list screen:

  • Upload - activated using top right button (or drag&drop of files directly in application)

  • Download All - activated in top right dropdown menu

  • Edit Document - activated by clicking on row

Edit Document