Users represents management of users.


Following diagram describes features available in users.

Users features

  • Users List - display list of all relevant users.

  • Add User - creates new user.

  • Edit User - updates existing user.

Users list

This is the main screen of users functionality. It displays list of users.

Users list

Following actions are available in users list screen:

  • Add User - activated using top right button

  • Edit User - activated by clicking on row

Add User

This modal screen is used to add new user.

Add User

Site restriction: If this checkbox is checked, it is possible to define Sites to which has the user restricted access (i.e. he can access data related to these sites). Only applies to customer accounts (i.e. organization is customer, not provider).

Lock user: If this checkbox is checked, then user account will be locked and user cannot login anymore. It is effective by next login attempt. Pay attention when editing your own account.

Edit User

This modal screen is used to edit existing user.

Edit User

Site restriction: If this checkbox is checked, it is possible to define Sites to which has the user restricted access (i.e. he can access data related to these sites). Only applies to customer accounts (i.e. organization is customer, not provider).

Lock user: If this checkbox is checked, then user account will be locked and user cannot login anymore. It is effective by next login attempt. Pay attention when editing your own account.

Access Rights


Provider Administrator

Customer Administrator

Provider Engineer

Customer Engineer

Users List

All users1

Own users



Add User





Edit User



