Companies represents management of companies, sites and machines.


Following diagram describes features available in companies.

Companies features

  • Companies List - display list of all relevant companies.

  • Add Company - creates new company

  • Edit Company - updates existing company

  • Manage Sites - company sites management

  • Manage Machines - company machines management

Companies list

This is the main screen of companies functionality. It displays list of companies.

Companies list

Following actions are available in companies list screen:

  • Add Company - activated using top right button

  • Edit Company - activated by clicking on row

  • Manage Sites - activated from dropdown menu on each row

  • Manage Machines - activated from dropdown menu on each row

Add Company

This modal screen is used to add new company.

Add Company

Following fields define a company:

  • Logo - company's logo. It's used within application and in reports.

  • Name - company's name (is not unique)

  • Provider - provider to which will be this company associated.

  • Divisions - divisions defined for this company. Value is used in Sites definition.

  • Location - locations defined for this company. Value is used in Sites definition.

Edit Company

This modal screen is used to edit existing company.

Edit Company

Following fields can be edited on company:

  • Logo - company logo. It's used within application and in reports.

  • Name - company name (is not unique)

  • Provider - provider to which will be this company associated.

  • Divisions - divisions defined for this company. Value is then used in Sites definition. Division can be deleted only when it is not used in any Site.

  • Location - locations defined for this company. Value is then used in Sites definition. Location can be deleted only when it is not used in any Site.

Following actions are available:

  • Delete - will delete company. Company can be deleted only when all associated data (sites, machines) are already deleted.

Access Rights


Provider Administrator

Customer Administrator

Provider Engineer

Customer Engineer

Companies List

All companies1

Own company

All companies1

Own company

Add Company





Edit Logo





Edit Name





Edit Provider





Edit Divisions





Edit Locations





Delete Company





1 All companies associated with given provider
2 Can be deleted only when all associated data (sites, machines) are already deleted.