Sites represents management of sites.


Following diagram describes features available in sites.

Sites features

  • Sites List - display list of all relevant sites.

  • Add Site - creates new site

  • Edit Site - updates existing site

  • Manage Machines - site machines management

Sites list

This is the main screen of sites functionality. It displays list of sites.

Sites list

Following actions are available in sites list screen:

  • Add Site - activated using top right button

  • Edit Site - activated by clicking on row

  • Manage Machines - activated from dropdown menu on each row

Add Site

This modal screen is used to add new site.

Add Site

Following fields define a site:

  • Name - site's name

  • Division - division to which this site belongs. It is used for sites filtering. Value is defined in Companies.

  • Locations - locations that describes this site (e.g. EMEA, London, etc.). Value is defined in Companies.

  • Address - address of site. Is used in reports.

Edit Site

This modal screen is used to edit existing site.

Edit Site

Following fields can be edited on site:

  • Name - site's name

  • Division - division to which this site belongs. It is used for sites filtering. Value is defined in Companies.

  • Locations - locations that describes this site (e.g. EMEA, London, etc.). Value is defined in Companies.

  • Address - address of site. Is used in reports.

Following actions are available:

  • Delete - will delete site. Site can be deleted only when all associated data (machines) are already deleted.